
펌프 수격 현상의 원인과 해결 방법

2025-01-10 12:22:07
펌프 수격 현상의 원인과 해결 방법

Have you ever listen to your pump making a louder noise? It's quite annoying to have such noise that always occurs when you want to relax or aware of something. It may even confuse you from your work or play. But guess what? Noisy pump — if your pump is making a sound, it may be a sign of a bigger issue! The noise is commonly water hammer, and knowing what it is can help you repair it.


Water hammer occurs when the water being pumped comes to an abrupt halt. In fact, when this happens, the pressure inside the pipes rises very quickly. This can cause the pipes to begin to rattle and shake, which generates a significant amount of noise. Although this noise may be irritating and uncomfortable to you, it can damage your 태양열 우물 펌프 and create more serious issues in the future.

How to Make Your Pump Quieter 

Here are some simple hacks to keep your pump from being noisy. The first is to use a device called a water hammer arrestor. This tool, stops the shock coming from the water hammer and keeps machinery operating smoothly. It’s easy to install and can typically be found at hardware stores. It is one of the many things that has been found to work really well to overcome this problem.

A pump system malfunction is yet another helpful solution to check as well; make sure it is well set up and maintained. In case, you got any leaks or scratches then you should act on it immediately. Ignoring these issues now may lead to some extra noise (and ultimately worse problems) at your pump down the road.

Why Do Pumps Make Noise? 

Pumps can be noisy for multiple reasons, including cavitation and turbulence and vibration. Let’s unpack these to get a better understanding. This cavitation occurs when the 국내 펌프 pressure drops too low. When this happens, tiny bubbles may accumulate in the water and then burst, a noisy process that can damage the pump over time.

Turbulence happens when the water flows through the pipes too quickly. Short surfaces, particularly short bends on a colorful surface, tend to be less competitive overall, but as we've seen, they can also create noise in the system when confronted with rushing water or other disturbances. The faster the water flows, the noisier it becomes.

When the pump is out of balance or not properly secured, you get vibration. Overly bad pump shaking also means more noise and possible harm to your pump system. Just to reduce the noise, make sure that everything is balanced and fall in place.

Make Your Pump Work Better and Eliminate Water Hammer 

If you have installed a pump but facing water hammer issues in your 태양 수영장 펌프, there is a number of effective things which you can implement to find a solution to water hammer in your pump. As was already mentioned, first do remember to use a water hammer arrestor. It will help absorb the shock and it is very easy to install, so you won't have to waste much time trying to fix it.